Hot girl of the month: Gigi Chimara - Half-English Beauty with Enchanting Eyes That Captivate.

Gigi Chimara - Half-English Beauty with Enchanting Eyes That Captivate.
Hot Girl | August 05, 2024

The HOT GIRL Thailand project, presented by the Mansion Sport Thailand team, returns with its second episode. This series highlights the sexiest girls with standout qualities from social media, showcasing their stunning looks and unique perspectives on sexiness. In this episode, we feature ‘Nong Gigi-Chimara Barden,’ a 24-year-old Thai-English model renowned for her roles in films and various photoshoots.

Gigi’s confident, chic, and fierce persona is a testament to her journey overcoming challenges. Despite her current self-assured demeanor, Gigi’s path wasn’t always easy.

Her journey began with a significant move from England to Thailand during her childhood, which led to considerable ‘Culture Shock.’ Struggling with the language and adapting to a new culture, Gigi faced substantial obstacles that affected her daily life. Her distinct appearance and cultural differences in Ratchaburi Province added to these challenges, making her adjustment difficult.

Interested in Gigi’s ideas, lifestyle, perspectives, and current relationship status? Want to delve into what intrigues and excites her? Discover the answers in this exclusive interview with Mansion Sport Thailand and get to know Gigi better.

Mansion Sport Thailand: Could you introduce yourself to the fans of the Mansion Sport Thailand Hot Girl project so they can get to know you better?

Gigi: Hi there! I’m Gigi, 24 years old. I work as a freelance model and actress, and I also assist my parents with their homestay business in Ratchaburi Province.

Mansion Sport Thailand: What is your nationality, and how long have you been in Thailand? What prompted your move here?

Gigi: I’m half Thai and half English. I’ve been in Thailand for about 13 years now, if I recall correctly. I moved here from Kent, England, when I was 11 years old. The move was due to my mother’s health; her doctor was in Thailand, so my parents decided to relocate the whole family here.

Mansion Sport Thailand: How did you initially adjust to life in Thailand? Did you experience any ‘culture shock’?

Gigi: Moving here was quite a culture shock for me. I arrived from England without knowing any Thai, so I had to point at food items when ordering. I attended a bilingual school in Ratchaburi Province, and since it was a rural area, I felt like an outsider among the Thai students. On my first day of school, I was puzzled when everyone kept asking me, ‘What’s your father’s name?’ I later learned that Thai kids often tease each other by asking about their parents’ names.

Mansion Sport Thailand: What did you find most challenging when adapting to the culture here?

Gigi: The biggest challenge for me was definitely the language. Attending a bilingual school meant I struggled with Thai subjects. I spent 2-3 years practicing keeping up in Mathayom 3.

Hot Girl of the Month | Gigi Chimara
Hot Girl of the Month | Gigi Chimara

Mansion Sport Thailand: What were your favourite foods in England, and what did you find hard to enjoy when you first arrived in Thailand?

Gigi: In England, I loved classic English dishes like fish and chips and Sunday roasts with meat, potatoes, gravy, and vegetables. When I first moved to Thailand, I was shocked by the spiciness of the food. I couldn’t handle sour curry at all and was put off by anything with an unusual smell. But now, I’ve grown to really enjoy it, especially dishes like sour papaya curry. Haha.

Mansion Sport Thailand: How did your family raise you as a child? Did they give you a lot of freedom, and how did they balance control and indulgence?

Gigi: My upbringing was a mix of Western and Thai influences. My parents raised me with Western values, promoting independence and self-reliance. At the same time, my mother emphasized Thai cultural values like humility and respect for elders, which she was quite strict about. Growing up as a half-Thai, half-English individual, I’ve had the benefit of blending perspectives from both cultures.

Mansion Sport Thailand: What was your personality like as a child? Were you more of a tomboy or more traditionally feminine? What were your favourite activities?

Gigi: As a child, I was quite well-behaved and a bit reserved, especially when I first moved to Thailand. My Western appearance made me stand out, and I felt more introverted at school, preferring to listen rather than engage actively. I wasn’t very outgoing back then. However, as I grew older and gained more confidence, I began to express myself more and embrace who I am.

Mansion Sport Thailand: At what age did you realize you were attractive? What kind of work did you do in the entertainment industry when you were younger?

Gigi: (🙂 Smiles faintly) Honestly, I never saw myself as particularly good-looking when I was a child. When I first moved here, I was a bit of a “nerd” by Thai standards and didn’t think of myself as attractive. I just noticed that my Western features made me stand out. It wasn’t until the past few years that I started to feel confident in my appearance and embrace my looks.

I started working in the entertainment industry when I was around 12 or 13 as a child model. I did commercials and castings for a couple of years. When I was 15, I landed a role in the GTH movie May Nai Fai Rang Fro, where I played a high school cheerleader with a Western look. After that, I began doing more photoshoots regularly. One of the projects I’m most proud of was a particularly challenging shoot where I had to wear silicone fake muscles in the intense April heat. It was a gruelling experience, but it pushed me and was a significant milestone in my career.

Mansion Sport Thailand: How old were you when you experienced your first ‘puppy love,’ and when did you have your first serious relationship?

Gigi: My first puppy love was around the same time as my first serious relationship. I started dating my first boyfriend when I was 17, and we just broke up last year when I was 23.

Mansion Sport Thailand: Do you often have men showing interest in you? What’s your favourite gift or most memorable surprise?

Gigi: Haha 🙂 Occasionally, when I go out, people do approach me, but compared to my friends, I get flirted with the least. I’ve wondered if it’s because of my vibe when I’m out with them. I’m usually just there to have fun with my friends and don’t actively seek out attention. If anyone does notice me, I tend to stay close to my friends. The most memorable gift I received was from a boyfriend who gave me a journal with my picture on the cover. It wasn’t just any gift—it was something he had thoughtfully planned, hoping I would use it to write in every day. I thought it was really sweet. 🎁

Mansion Sport Thailand: What kind of men do you find appealing? If someone wants to get to know you or flirt with you, what’s the best approach?

Gigi: I’m drawn to guys who are charming and have a sweet personality. I appreciate someone who is humble, hardworking, and dedicated to their goals. Being caring and friendly is important too. If someone approaches me with genuine intentions, as a friend first, and without any arrogance, that’s definitely appealing to me.

Mansion Sport Thailand: How do you define ‘sexy’? Do you see yourself as sexy, and what do you think attracts the opposite sex?

Gigi: For me, ‘sexy’ isn’t just about showing a lot of skin; it’s more about confidence and what’s on the inside. True sexiness comes from self-assurance, no matter what we’re wearing. Personally, I’ve never really considered myself a ‘sexy’ person because of my sweet, baby face. I’ve always seen myself as more sweet than sultry. However, I do enjoy dressing in a way that adds a bit of edge. Many people have told me that my eyes are the most attractive feature, and that they find them captivating and engaging.

Mansion Sport Thailand: What do you like to do in your free time? Where do you usually hang out or in what areas?

Gigi: In my free time, I enjoy spending time in nature. I have a house in Ratchaburi, so I like to return to the provinces, be with my dogs and cats, and spend time with my family. Since my family runs a private business offering accommodations, I enjoy organizing things, working, and brainstorming ideas for improving our place. When I’m in Bangkok, I usually hang out with my girlfriends, go for brunch, and attend Techno events. I don’t have a specific area I visit regularly; I just go wherever there’s an event happening.

Mansion Sport Thailand: How did you get started in the modelling industry? When did you know you liked this line of work?

Gigi: Ah, the modelling world. I started when I was a freshman in university. A senior, P’Iris, who is Ice-Paris’ older sister, selected me for a photoshoot for their brand. It was my first job, and I had never done a photoshoot before. Looking back at those photos, you’d probably laugh because I was still shy and unsure about posing. But after that job, I practiced a lot. I downloaded photos from Pinterest and studied the poses of models I admired. I practiced in front of the mirror at home. Over time, with more photoshoots, I gained experience and improved. Eventually, I learned which angles suited me best.

Mansion Sport Thailand: What was the sexiest photoshoot you’ve ever been in?

Gigi: Gigi thinks it should be a moment when they are doing what they love, like showing their passion. For example, some men like to play sports, some like to play music, some like to cook. If it’s a small moment when they are doing what they love, Gigi thinks it will release an attractive aura.

Mansion Sport Thailand: What are your thoughts on the issue that Thai society likes to view as half-breeds being more open about ‘sex’ than pure Thais?

Gigi: Actually, I don’t see this as a negative issue. In movies and various cultures, we often see that foreigners are quite open about sexuality. Being of mixed heritage, I have experienced both foreign and Thai societies, so I can understand both perspectives. From my personal experience, when discussing sex or related topics with my Thai female friends, I believe we don’t need to be afraid or view it negatively. We shouldn’t worry about being judged for expressing ourselves because it’s a natural part of daily life. I’d like to encourage Thai people to understand that it’s okay to be open about this subject. It doesn’t have to be seen as a sensitive or taboo topic because it’s entirely normal.

Mansion Sport Thailand: Have you ever experienced sexual harassment?

Gigi: For me, I’ve never experienced anything extremely serious. However, when I’m walking alone, I often get catcalled by guys saying things like, “What’s up, pretty girl?” It’s a common occurrence. When I’m with my female friends, I’ve even witnessed a guy slap one of them on the butt right in front of me. I was shocked and immediately confronted him, demanding an apology for my friend on the spot.

Mansion Sport Thailand: What kind of men come to flirt with us and then reject us and don’t talk to us right away?

Gigi: Mostly, I don’t like men who are overly assertive or have excessive self-confidence, as well as those who lack manners. These are the types of men I immediately consider a ‘Red Flag’.

Mansion Sport Thailand: When do you think you’re the sexiest? Or what do you wear?

Gigi: For me, it happens when I put on clothes or am about to do something I enjoy. In those moments, my sexiness naturally comes out. As I mentioned before, we don’t need to wear the sexiest clothes or reveal much of our bodies. If we wear outfits that make us feel good and exude confidence from within, the sexiness will naturally radiate.

Mansion Sport Thailand: What do you think about the issue that people tend to think that models, celebrities, or women in the entertainment industry take sexy photos to gain followers, likes, or work?

Gigi: Gigi doesn’t see this as a negative aspect. Nowadays, whether it’s models, aspiring influencers, or ordinary people posting clips on Instagram Reels or TikTok, everyone is trying to create content to gain followers. They follow trends or do things to get views. For Gigi, posting a swimsuit or sexy photo is about sharing a moment of feeling beautiful, not seeking attention.

Mansion Sport Thailand: What is your ultimate goal in this industry? What is your dream for the future?

Gigi: If my ultimate dream is to become a model, it would be to do a photoshoot for an international brand. For me, that means going to London to shoot for a renowned and popular brand like JD Sports, or perhaps in Australia for a similar opportunity.

Mansion Sport Thailand: Try giving yourself a score of 1-10. How much do you think you would give? Why?

Gigi: Er (shy smile), since I support Self Love, if I were to give myself a score, I’d rate myself a 9 out of 10. I wouldn’t give myself a perfect 10 because I believe in continuous self-improvement. We should never see ourselves as perfect. It’s important to encourage and love ourselves while constantly seeking ways to become the best version of who we can be.

Mansion Sport Thailand: What is your current heart status?

Gigi: I have a boyfriend now! 💔

Mansion Sport Thailand: Could you please help share your work and channels for following?

Gigi: I’d like to introduce my work and invite you to follow me on Instagram at @chimarabarden. Additionally, I want to introduce my home in Ratchaburi Province. If you’re looking for a place to stay, you’re welcome to visit River Flow House.

Mansion Sport Thailand: Before we say goodbye, let me leave a final word about the Hot Girl project and Mansion Sport Thailand.

Gigi: Gigi, I’d like to present today’s work from Mansion Sport Thailand’s Hot Girl project. Stay tuned for what’s coming soon and keep an eye out!