Bolton Supporter's Long-Haul Trip for Game Abandoned After Just Nine Minutes


February 08, 2024 · 1 min read

Bolton Supporter's Long-Haul Trip for Game Abandoned After Just Nine Minutes
FootBall | February 08, 2024
The game was cut short after only nine minutes because of a waterlogged field. (Image: Andy Bebbington)

A dedicated football fan from China, Andy Bebbington flew over 8,000 miles to watch his favorite team Bolton only for the League One game at Cambridge to be abandoned after just nine minutes due to a waterlogged pitch caused by heavy rain.

The devoted teacher on a two-week trip to the UK took the situation in good spirits, stating that “worse things can happen.” Despite missing the game, he expressed hope to attend future matches and make the most of his visit home during the Chinese New Year break.

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