Cricket Scotland Report Exposes Sexism and Prejudice Against Women in the Sport


March 13, 2024 · 1 min read

Cricket Scotland Report Exposes Sexism and Prejudice Against Women in the Sport
Other Sports | March 13, 2024
The report which Cricket Scotland commissioned highlighted the ongoing presence of sexism within the sport. (Image: Getty)

A new report commissioned by Cricket Scotland has revealed a toxic environment and prevalent prejudice faced by women involved in Scottish cricket. The report conducted by independent firm McKinney HR found evidence of sexism within the sport with specific needs of women often dismissed.

Although misogyny was not evident, the report identified root causes such as the composition of committees and embedded male behaviors. Trudy Lindblade, CEO of Cricket Scotland described the findings as a “damning indictment” and apologized for the disrespectful and demeaning behavior allowed to persist within the organization.

She pledged to make the sport more welcoming and safe for women and girls emphasizing the implementation of recommendations from the report. This report follows a previous finding of institutional racism within Cricket Scotland’s leadership highlighting the need for significant changes to address discrimination and inequalities in the sport.