Hot girl of the month: Hot Girl of the Month: Nguyet Anh - Gen Z Girl Who Can Conquer Challenges, Find Herself

Hot Girl of the Month: Nguyet Anh - Gen Z Girl Who Can Conquer Challenges, Find Herself
Hot Girl | April 09, 2024

Hello Nguyet Anh. First of all, please introduce yourself to Mansion Sports Vietnam readers. About what people should know about you.


Q: Nguyet Anh has just spent an impressive 2023 with the Vietnamese women’s volleyball club and team. What was the most memorable thing for you personally?


The Team of the Year award at the Victory Cup Gala ceremony was probably a big moment for me. To win this award, both I and the team received a lot of moral support from the fans. In addition, I also took part in 14 tournaments at both club and team level, winning the Asian Club Cup and participating in a tournament in France, a difficult year but one that yielded many successes.


Q: At the age of 25, Nguyet Anh has a respected and admirable career, but of course it is always a challenge to overcome many difficulties.


2018 was an important but unforgettable milestone for me. This is the first time I have been called up to the national team. I am very passionate and constantly work hard. One afternoon, my right wrist was cut by glass and the tendons of 3 fingers and the aorta in my hand ruptured. At that time, I was in so much pain and broken.


In volleyball, feet and hands are very important, especially in a position like mine which requires flexibility and dexterity of the wrists to control the ball. At that time, I was devastated because I had to miss many opportunities and many tournaments, the worst-case scenario was to quit my volleyball career. It is a very stressful and tiring period when undergoing recovery by moving a finger.


Sometimes I think about giving up. What is certain is that I was at the point where I couldn’t move my hands to eat or live, making me really feel helpless and worthless. But, with encouragement from the coaches and seniors, I worked hard every day with the belief that I could get back on the court, no matter what position I was in, even if it was just to play volleyball again. Great happiness.


After more than 3 months of extreme recovery, I returned to the libero position to regain feeling on the ball and then gradually returned to the original position, although the hand was no longer the same as before, but I always wanted to have the opportunity to return to the national team. Therefore, I work harder, understand the coach’s instructions more to show my best dedication to the squad.


The lucky thing for me is that I always have a team and family who are always there with me. I just always thought that I was young and the opportunities were open, if I gave up and accepted my fate, I wouldn’t know what opportunities were out there. I tried hard to find opportunities.


Q: What would you do if you stopped being an athlete?

Actually, playing volleyball is still my passion. If I weren’t an athlete, maybe I would run a fashion business or become a KOL/KOC in the sports and fashion fields so I could share and convey good messages to everyone.


Q: You came to volleyball in high school, which was a time of “rebellion” but the place to vent it was the Signal Corps Commando Women’s Volleyball Club – a military environment that people often considered harsh and disciplined. How does that environment influence your personality?

I am a soldier and the environment in which I was trained was a military environment. Did you know, the military has its own requirements for training, you have to wake up around 5 am to eat and train on a tight schedule. Since then, I have also become a disciplined and confident person, and always have a warrior spirit at all times. 

I think that’s just the perspective of a handful of Gen Z friends, there are still many other Gen Z who are still trying and achieving lots of good results. I don’t represent the voice of Gen Z, but I think you need to overcome the limits of your abilities, when you step beyond the limits of your abilities, you will actually see many opportunities in life.


Q: Mansion Sports Vietnam readers also want to learn about Nguyet Anh besides volleyball. As a girl from Quang Binh, what characteristics do you feel about the land full of sunshine and sand? There, we usually talk about vitality, enthusiasm, and wisdom.

Quang Binh’s environment is full of sunshine, wind and white sand, so the natural climate conditions do not fully support economic and agricultural development. That’s why the people in my hometown are very hardworking and I share that with them too.

My parents also always taught me to try my best and work until the end to exceed the limits of my abilities. The harder it is, the more effort is required.


Q: What is Nguyet Anh’s daily routine? Is there a difference between an athlete and a 25-year-old girl?

I always practice, but I spend my time studying English, reading books and hanging out with friends.


Q: It seems that Nguyet Anh is less active on Facebook and Instagram. What social media do you like the most?

Lately, I have little time to share on social media due to my busy training schedule for domestic and international tournaments. When I have time, I will try to update more and share my views and good tips about health and exercise.


Q: What are your hobbies?

When there weren’t tournaments, I spent my weekends dressing up hanging out with friends, hanging out in oddball coffee shops, taking photos as keepsakes.


Q: What is Nguyet Anh’s ideal type of girlfriend? Many say that tall girls are often picky about their boyfriends. Is that what happened to Nguyet Anh?

In fact, usually for tall girls, the first criteria in choosing a boyfriend are being taller than themselves, so they are often said to be picky. My ideal type of boyfriend is handsome, warm, firm and brave. But actually, for me, love depends on fate and depends on the soul mate between 2 people.


Q: Everyone knows that Nguyet Anh also has a twin brother. Interestingly, the two twin brothers, who were very different in height, chose different directions. Have you ever wondered about the differences between yourself and your parents?

I myself find it more important than asking questions, I receive more questions from people and I think this is also an impressive point for people to remember the 2 sisters more.

Q: Talking about height, having a height of 1.71m in 9th grade is a big difference compared to the friends around me, even compared to your little sister. Has Nguyet Anh ever been made fun of and considered his weakness?

Of course we would have been selected in different places, I am also very proud of my height and have never considered it a weakness. Even here, young people are getting taller.


Q: How has your family influenced you, especially your sister, over the years? You were away from home in the early stages, Was that difficult?

My family is the biggest source of motivation and support for me, my older sister and my companion who always accompany and share with me while I am away from home. I was forced to be independent from an early age, adapting to new things and being away from my parents and family, which was also a difficulty at that time.


Q: Back to sports stories. As many people tell Gen Z, exercise is about self-discovery. What does Nguyet Anh discover about himself?

I found Nguyet Anh to be strong, persistent, persistent and hardworking who likes to explore and learn new things. Get out of your comfort zone.


Q: ….and explore the world too. What makes you more alive, what inspires you to make career choices in your life?

For me, when making choices in my career and life, I always carefully and think seriously. I’m quite a perfectionist when it comes to that.


Q: How do you define yourself? What style to choose and what image do you want others to know you by?

I want people to see me as a dynamic and attractive “athletic girl” both on the volleyball court and in real life. Hopefully Nguyet Anh’s image, which is full of energy and always positive, can be loved by everyone.


Q: What are your ambitions for 25 years in 2024 and beyond?

In 2024 and the years to come, I will try to dedicate and achieve a lot of success to leave a beautiful mark in my career. This will also be a year with many challenges and many important tournaments. I will try to achieve more in 2024.

Focus on preparing myself professionally and physically so that I am ready to take part in tournaments, one of which is the national championship in March.


Q: Do you dream of going abroad to compete? Vietnam volleyball once featured Lam Oanh, Kieu Trinh in Thailand, Thanh Thuy in Japan – all higher levels in Vietnam. Have you learned about going abroad to play football to prepare for that future?

As a professional athlete, of course every athlete really appreciates the opportunity to play for a foreign team, and so do I. I have a goal that I am always trying to improve because I am always trying to learn English to prepare for new opportunities in the future.